The Thursday Thesis - 30/11/2017 Just suppose that you figured out how to transform almost everything that you currently hate or are bored by into a joyful experience – how would that feel? You can, all you need is drugs. Seriously, drugs do the business: but the drug I’m talking about is dopamine - your body’s natural feelgood chemical. Your amazing body floods with dopamine every time you complete a significant task or achieve something you consider to be important. Unimportant things are sort of “Meh!”, whilst important ones are “Yeah!”. The key is the importance we attach to the things we do: if it’s important, we are rewarded with a rush of dopamine. The secret – I believe – is to make it all a game, then get busy playing. Since everything is a game, everything is fun. And since I’ve chosen to play this game, it must be important to me, right? When I’m teaching guitar, the game is to outwit the student’s blocking mechanism and make a commando raid on their preconceptions, freeing their imprisoned potential to make music. When that mission is accomplished I get a MASSIVE buzz of dopamine and I want to do it again. If I’m working on a book, the game is to herd all my thoughts into an order that makes sense, then rummage around for the right words to express my thoughts, pulling them one-by-one from the ragbag of my mind. And when I’m working in my property business, the game is to outwit my own fears and preconceptions, to go into battle with – and slay - the dragons that roam my psyche. Am I working, or am I just playing? To be honest, the borders blur and work becomes play: I haven’t done a day’s work since I learned this principle, and there are days when I resent sleep and the need to put away my toys for the night. So here’s the deal: Go Fun Yourself. Spend 17 minutes, today, re-framing the dull stuff into a game or two – then go play. Game On! © Neil Cowmeadow 2017
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1 Comment
12/12/2017 11:57:02
The secret message of this reading is simple and that is to enjoy and have fun. We are in a world where problems are there and it is up to us on how we can handle it and face it with courage. Time will show us many things and that is the different faces of sadness and we must learn how to
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